Code: HNZ6 (BNH6-Z6)
Contract | Previous Settlement Price | Hours | Allocated Price |
BNH6 | $124.50 | 2160 | $124.50 |
BNM6 | $128.65 | 2184 | $128.65 |
BNU6 | $120.14 | 2208 | $120.14 |
BNZ6 | $105.99 | 2208 | $105.99 |
Implied strip year | $119.7702 | 8760 | $119.7702 |
ASX Energy calculators are provided for illustrative purposes only and their outputs, results and methodology must not be relied upon and are not intended in any way to constitute financial product advice. To the fullest extent permissible under law, ASX Energy (ASX Energy) accepts no liability for errors or omissions, including negligence, or for any damage loss or claim arising from reliance on the calculators or associated outputs, results and methodology. In the event of any inconsistency between results generated by the calculator and the application of the relevant operating rules by the SFE, the SFE's application of the relevant operating rules will prevail.